Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.. (#alwaysaskwhy)

We're all guilty of it, all gym goers: the 'Meathead Moment'. That moment you decide you're going to do (try) something awesome (crazy), just because (you think) you can. It might be a new movement, or one you were able to do years ago. It might be a crazy back squat PR, it might even be a super intense conditioning workout you saw on TV or read about in men's health. Whatever it is, there are a few things you should consider before you jump in with both feet...

1. Does it hurt?

I'm not talking about your ego here, or about DOMS. I'm thinking more along the lines of pinching, pulling, zapping, popping, or tearing pain. Real discomfort (not feelings of effort), either during or following your movement attempts.  In the CrossFit world, where I live, its not uncommon for an athlete to tell me that their shoulders hurt, but that they'd like to try the Handstand Push Ups/Kipping Pull Ups/Muscle Ups in the WOD anyways, as if working through the pain helps earn them status, or even moves them closer to their movement goal. I'm not sure where this line of thinking originated, but I wish it would go away already! My thoughts are this: if a movement pattern hurts, its probably not a great idea to keep repeating it exactly the same way with the hope that the pain will just go away (whats the definition of insanity again?). STOP. Take a step back, analyze the movement, and figure out what you're missing - e.g. strength, stability, mobility, an intact joint capsule.. Whatever it is, in the short-term, its time to stop and work regressions, or get that nagging injury properly treated so you're in a better position to complete the movement safely and efficiently. From what I've heard, your first muscle up certainly isn't worth a rotator cuff tear, or the the months of rehab work that go along with it.

2. Is it conducive to your goals/training program (..by the way, do you have goals and a training program?)

If you're currently following a training program, chances are it was designed by yourself or trainer with certain goals in mind. I think it follows logically, that if you've set certain goals and have been putting work into achieving them, they're probably pretty important to you. So it always baffles me, when an individual with clearly defined goals and methods to achieve them attempts to do something at the gym that is completely incongruent with their program, or even worse, something that is detrimental to their health and progress. I get that it can be cool to post a video on Instagram of yourself doing something physically challenging, but is it really worth it if it compromises all of your hard work? Before trying something crazy at the gym, its certainly worth it to go through a risk:benefit analysis rather than jumping right in! If the chances of injury outweigh the benefits of the movement, you should probably skip it for now! 

If you don't yet have specific goals for your health, fitness, and training, it might be worth it to take some time to sit down and carve them out, for the benefit of your own progress, sanity and accountability (more on this in an upcoming post). If you're in a position where you're working with a trainer, or following general programming at a gym, I implore you to ALWAYS ASK WHY you're doing a specific movement or workout! I have seen way too many people practicing handstands (with poor technique) or running miles on miles when they really just want to get strong. If there is something that seems unsafe, incongruent with your goals, or just ridiculous in your program, please don't just do it because someone told you to! There is no point wasting your time and effort or risking your health on movements or workouts that will not aid your progress! 

3. Did you earn it?

Our bodies are really great at getting us from point A to point B! In the grand scheme of things, movement goes a little something like this: we tell our body what we want it to do and our body finds the path of least resistance to get us there; this is especially true in the case of an unfamiliar or awkward task. We're all really good at 'cheating' movements, and very often, we don't even realize we're doing it; if we hit the given start and end positions, we assume we did everything in the middle right! Often this is not the case! With sound coaching/training, technique work, and lots of 'perfect practice', we can teach our nervous system, muscles and joints the most safe, efficient, and ideal way to perform a given movement and give our tissues time to adapt...but that takes time and effort! I have seen numerous examples of people who did not 'earn their movement' over the last year, and I'm sad to say that most of them involve injury. A really common example occurs when people rush into lifting heavy, without taking time to build up tissue resilience and a proper movement pattern. Evolutionarily, our bodies are designed to help us avoid getting stuck under heavy objects, and as humans, we build 'neural' strength much faster than our joints and muscles adapt to new movements or weights, putting some of us in a very precarious position. As a result, some people up their weights too quickly and end up with strains, sprains, and in some cases, even disc injuries...and these injuries are certainly NOT the most catastrophic events that can possibly occur in these situations. Another common example are shoulder injuries that occur when individuals that do not have the raw strength to complete strict pull-ups or dips are taught to kip in order to enable them to do more work in a given period of time. This enables the individual to put a tonne of force through their shoulders at a very high speed, and often in an uncontrolled manner, teeing them up for injury! In either case, the time (and money) the athlete ends up investing in rehab far outweigh the time and effort it would have taken to learn the movement properly. So next time you step up to a barbell, pull-up bar, or even a set of rings, ask yourself, 'Did I really earn this?'

So why am I saying all of this?

What makes this information so important that I felt the need to write about it? There are two answers to this question!


  Having dealt with several injuries myself, I know how horrible it is having to take time off of training, especially when you're close to reaching your goals! Mentally and physically, it hard both to be out of the training world, and to work back in when you're given the green light! This is particularly true for trainers whose livelihood depend on being able to move properly! Think of each movement you perfect and all of your cumulative training experience as an investment; don't put all your pennies in one basket! 

Motor Patterning and Permanent Damage! 

Before you even start to try a new movement, know that our bodies are really great at learning and "remembering" movement patterns, the exact way we perform them. Repetition only strengthens this memory, and it only takes a few reps with a compensation or lack of activation in a given position to send us down a path to inefficient movement and potential injury! Moreover, soft tissue injury (sprains and strains) takes quite some time to heal, and in many cases, never returns to its pre-injury condition! With a shoulder injury like I mentioned above, your overhead mobility and strength could be limited permanently! 



Take your time, work your drills, and keep your inner meathead satisfied with marvel movies!  


Photo from: http://www.strat-talk.com/forum/attachments/sidewinders-bar-grille/134833d1431899077-meathead-meathead.jpg

Photo from: http://www.strat-talk.com/forum/attachments/sidewinders-bar-grille/134833d1431899077-meathead-meathead.jpg

Pilates and Pregnancy: Michelle J


I would highly recommend Pilates to anyone, but it’s particularly important leading up to, during, and after pregnancy for the following reasons:

1) Less pain and discomfort because skeletal imbalances. Pilates emphasizes working your body in the correct align meant, or working towards bringing you into alignment. This definitely helps prevent common pregnancy aches and pains. I was constantly conscious of trying to work against the lordosis that usually occurs in the lower back during my pregnancy and engage my core to bring myself back to a more neutral alignment.

2) Less chance of diastasis recti because of the focus on strengthening transversus abdominis. This is a common side effect of pregnancy when the two halves of the rectus abdominis separate as a result of over stretching. When this deepest layer of your core (like an internal corset)  is strong and you are mentally connected to how it works, you are better protected from having diastasis recti because you know how to move and use these muscles properly.

3) Pelvic floor, pelvic floor, pelvic floor!  These muscles are SO important during pregnancy, labour, and recovery.  Pilates teaches you how to use these muscles, and they are important in two ways during this time. You need strong pelvic floor muscles to support the growing weight of your baby during pregnancy. Equally important is the ability to relax these muscles during delivery ….trust me! Pilates teaches you an awareness of the pelvic floor that is invaluable.

- Special considerations for the pregnant client:

Again, strengthening and awareness of the pelvic floor muscles and transversus is key. By the time the client reaches the 5th or 6th month, it’s important to avoid exercises that put too much emphasis on flexion or where the torso or specifically abdominals have to work against gravity to prevent diastasis recti. So - traditional ab crunches or roll ups, or rollbacks are out, as are planks and regular push-ups. Push ups can be modified to be done against a wall or slightly elevated. Another concern is the possibility of supine hypotensive syndrome in some pregnant women - where the weight of the baby can compress the inferior vena cava when the mother is lying on her back. This can potentially slow blood flow back to the mother’s heart, which in turn will reduce blood and oxygen flow to the fetus. Because this is potentially dangerous, it is best to avoid working in a supine position by the end of the second trimester. But in both cases, it does depend on the individual.

- Other resources (websites)/best studios in Toronto to train at:

I did my Pilates teacher training at Stott Pilates and also a specialized Prenatal Reformer workshop there - luckily just before I found out I was pregnant.  I find the Instructor Trainers at Stott to be very knowledgeable when it comes to a variety of specialized cases such as pregnancy or injuries. I teach at Misfit Studio on Queen St. West and the owner, Amber Joliat, is a Pilates and yoga instructor who has a great understanding of movement and anatomy, and she is a wonderful teacher.  We also offer Eccentrics at Misfit Studio and I found that to be a great workout during my pregnancy, as much of it is done standing and provides a great amount of stretch and release for muscles and joints that are a little overburdened during that time.

'Nutrition and Pregnancy' by Nathalie Niddam

If you are reading this and you are thinking about getting pregnant then there is a lot you can do to make sure that your body is best prepared to grow a new human!  If you are already pregnant, there is no time like the present to improve your nutrition.  

For the most part, growing babies will get what they need from Mom both during the pregnancy and while nursing - the tricky bit is that in the case of deficiencies on Mom’s part this can leave her open to issues of her own when trying to meet her body’s needs. 

Your body’s needs for virtually all nutrients, vitamins and minerals will increase during pregnancy - on average, women will need to consume in the neighborhood of 300 calories more per day.  It is critical that these calories come from nutrient dense foods that help to shore up nutrient stores and availability for the baby and Mom.  In particular:

•   Protein needs can increase by up to 50%, 

•   calcium (for bones, teeth, muscle and heart function, blood clotting and nerve transmission),

•   iron (your blood volume increases by 50% during pregnancy - iron is critical for red blood cell formation for mom and baby!) (target is around 27mg/day from food and supplement sources)

•   zinc for the normal development of the foetus’s immune system,

•   Folic Acid again to help form red blood cells but also to support the development of the baby’s nervous system and to stimulate Mom’s appetite (!).  Consider taking 800-1000 mcg per day as folate or 5-MTFH as some people have trouble converting folic acid to it’s active form.

•   Vitamins A. C, E, B6 and minerals Iodine, magnesium and sodium are all also needed in greater quantities….in terms of sodium this is not a licence to eat bags of chips and pretzels….use grey or pink sea salt in moderation, consume raw unpasteurized fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickles and try not to overdo it to avoid issues with blood pressure or water retention.

So, what are you to do?  Basically two things -  start with a high quality pre natal vitamin along with vitamin D3 and a good omega 3 supplement.  And then, eat the best diet you can possibly manage - as we are told time and time again there is no better way to give your body what it needs than from food, in the way that nature intended. 

Get your house in order - Ideally before you get pregnant

1.     have a full physical and get your doctor to check on your Vitamin D3, Iron, and B12 status.  If any of these are anywhere other than in the healthy range then you may need to consider taking supplements (in addition to adopting a solid diet plan) to bring up your stores more quickly. 

2.     If you suffer from digestive issues (bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea) try to finally take the time to try and understand what could be driving these issues.  It could be as simple as improving your diet or you may need to address some underlying cause - whatever it is, it will be easier to deal with now and could well set you up for an easier pregnancy overall.  If necessary, consult with a health practitioner to help you pinpoint what the issue may be.

3.     Pay special attention to constipation - if this is an issue you need to resolve it sooner than later, make sure that you are consuming between 25-45 grams of fibre daily and drinking plenty of water - if that still doesn’t work, get some help pinpointing the cause and an appropriate remedy.

4.     Now is the time to clean up your diet - out with the junk and in with the real, whole food.   Eat organic whenever you are able to minimize the load on your liver and drink the cleanest water that you can get your hands on.

Let’s expand on the principles of a “nutrient dense whole food diet:

1.     Hydrate:  Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day - every day.  Avoid caffeine, pop, fruit juices and alcohol.

2.     Eat loads of vegetables - cooked, raw, steamed, any way you like ‘em (other than deep fried in bad fats) and eat as many different kinds as you can find.  Try to have the most colourful meals ever - orange (carrots, butternut squash, sweet potato, pumpkin), green (avocado, collards, Kale, rapini, arugula, broccoli, asparagus, artichokes), red (beets, peppers, tomatoes, radishes), blue/purple (blueberries, purple potatoes, red cabbage, radicchio) even white and yellow (spaghetti squash, summer squash, lemons, cauliflower).

3.     Consume healthy amounts of the best protein you can afford - grass fed beef, pastured chicken & their eggs, pastured  pork, wild caught fish.  Anytime is a bad time to pick up an unwelcome guest (ie parasite) but before and during pregnancy is especially bad so make sure that your pork and fish are properly cooked and from impeccable sources - you may have to park the sushi habit for now to avoid exposing yourself and your little one to unnecessary risk.

4.     Healthy fat is needed to absorb fat soluble vitamins, for energy, to help you feel satiated and to avoid excessive cravings.  Use extra virgin coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, butter from grass fed cows, ghee, nut butters, nuts and seeds and whole eggs.  About 1-2 thumb size portions per meal is a rough guide to how much.

5.     Grains:  If you eat grains pick whole organic grains and ideally sprouted to make them most nutritious and digestible.  Try not to eat grains at the expense of your daily needs for protein, vegetables and healthy fats - they will be important to meet your calorie needs but they simply do not measure up on the nutrition scale compared to these other food groups.

6.     Pre and probiotic foods:  the gut microbiome - that colony of bacteria living in your gut is one of the most active areas of research in all areas of medicine these days and there is increasing evidence that Mom’s micro biome status plays an important role in establishing baby’s immunity both immediately after birth and into childhood.  There is some evidence that indicates it may be wise to take probiotics during pregnancy but it’s a good idea to consult a health practitioner to determine if this is right for you and what type to buy.  Having said that, there are foods you can eat that will support that micro biome including:

•   organic, plain, whole milk yogurt and kefir (assuming dairy agrees with you) either from cow, sheep or goats milk - if dairy doesn’t work for you there are also options made from coconut milk

•   raw and unpasteurized sauerkraut and kimchi

•   kombucha (always choose naturally lower sugar varieties like ginger)

•   eat prebiotic foods like raw asparagus, jicama, jerusalem artichokes, raw and cooked onions, raw garlic (in small amounts), green plantain chips, cooked and cooled potato and white rice.

•   and of course, the foods to avoid:  excess sugar, processed foods, bad fats (trans and hydrogenated fats, vegetable oils, corn oil, soybean oil…almost anything that is not on the “good fat” list above).

** Certainly nausea in the first trimester can complicate matters somewhat and this is one of the many reasons why a good prenatal vitamin is always a good idea.  You can also drink ginger tea to try and manage the nausea, and eat smaller, more frequent meals.  This last point will also come into play in the third trimester when your growing baby starts to take up more space and leave less room for your own organs.   Do your best to choose the most nutritious foods you can manage - for some people this means going bland, for others it means more flavour - try to understand what tastes appeal to you most and make the best choices you are able to in that spectrum.  There is some evidence that morning sickness could be associated with the extra stress placed on the liver at this time - supplementing with vitamin B6 in its active form (P5P) can sometimes be helpful at a dose of 25-50mg 3x a day.  And water, drink water….

With all this talk of food and eating more many women wonder just how much weight they should gain during pregnancy.  Like all questions surrounding weight gain, this is a complicated one to answer.  For a woman who is underweight the target is anywhere from 28-40 lbs, women at a healthy weight should aim for 25-35 lbs and for women who are significantly overweight the target is a bit lower, between 15-25 lbs.  Before you run off and decide what category you fall in (us girls are notoriously challenged in this area), do yourself a favour and consult with a health professional to decide what is right for you.  One thing that is almost never the right idea is to decide to go on a diet during pregnancy unless you are being closely monitored by your doctor or health professional - and even then, there’s a reasonable chance that improving your diet will get the job done without restricting calories or major food groups. 

Aside from all this….enjoy your pregnancy, take this time to take care of yourself, get extra rest, appropriate exercise, get lots of fresh air and, if you have other little ones around try to get some help from friends and family when you need a break.