Postpartum is FOREVER. So too are some of the changes your body undergoes during pregnancy, labour and delivery and the postpartum period. A proper rehabilitation program is key to healing, returning to full function and thriving postpartum.
Have you ever heard of Diastasis Recti (DR)? Was it made to sound scary/unavoidable/permanent when you did? Fear not Mama, this webinar will cover all of your ‘need to knows’ about diastasis recti as well as a high-level overview of how to rehabilitate your core (DR) and pelvic floor post-baby!
Join us Monday June 7th, 2021 at 8:00 pm for a free masterclass covering Diastasis Recti from a Mama’s perspective!
Thinking about having a baby? This webinar is for you!
Have you had a baby/multiple babies? This webinar is for you too!
No matter how old they are!
Are you finding it difficult to activate your core or pelvic floor or experiencing incontinence, low back pain, or even pelvic organ prolapse? You got it, this webinar is for you!
The Details:
This webinar will be hosted via Zoom, with a ‘chat’ option for your comments and questions
THIS MEANS: You don’t need to have your camera or mic on! Your kids/dogs/hubby (or all of the above) running around in the background is totally cool!
45 minutes in length
How Do I Register
Complete the registration form below!