Quick Tip: Play!

I'll be the first to tell you that having a structured, periodized program, is essential if you want to meet your fitness and wellness goals (more on this in an upcoming post) BUT... BALANCE is also important! A program that you don't enjoy, EVER, is not likely to keep you engaged and on track to meet your goals. Once in a while, add some PLAY into your program! Something you enjoy doing that is NOT going to jeopardize your health or gains. (Read: don't do something that is going to get you injured or compromise your main lifts and movements!) For me, PLAY usually consists of Olympic lifting or gymnastics, both activities that I LOVE but are not included in this phase of my program - if I can get outside in the sunshine for the gymnastics, I'm in heaven!  I usually add them in on an active recovery day, or for some gymnastics movements, at the end of a regular session (sort of like a reward). So get out there, have fun, and tell me...how do you PLAY?

Play time! Caught mid round-off

Play time! Caught mid round-off