Spotlight: Saturday Morning Circuits


If you've been following us on social media, you've probably read all about our new FIT FOR FESTIVUS series: 5, 10, and unlimited class pass offerings that are valid across all of our programs (including our new class offerings beginning in December) to help you stay fit, healthy, and on-track to your goals through the holiday season!

Why? Because...

Community = Commitment

Consistency = Key to Success 

Cross-Training = Injury Prevention

One of our new classes that we're super excited to offer is SATURDAY MORNING CIRCUITS - a C0-ED 55-minute circuit-based conditioning class including calisthenics, plyometrics and free-weight exercises! Looking to get your sweat on, build some endorphins and then get your brunch and weekend-ing on? Then this is the perfect class for you!


So what should you expect in a SATURDAY MORNING CIRCUIT class?

  • A 5-10 minute warm-up including joint mobility specific to each class workout
  • 30-40 minutes of circuit-based conditioning.  
    • Formats we'll explore include
      • TABATA intervals
      • Fight-Gone-Bad Style Circuits
      • Partner work and 'You-Go-I-Go' Drills
      • And more!
  • 5-10 minute cool-down, mobility and recovery work
  • Modifications for all levels of fitness!
  • A supportive, encouraging and fun community and atmosphere!

The Details:

WHERE: Artscape Youngplace Sketch Studio (180 Shaw Street, Toronto)

WHEN: Saturday 9:00-9:55 am beginning December 3rd, 2016! (Classes will not run Dec 31)

WHO: Lead by Jennifer Thomson and OPEN to MEN & WOMEN of ALL LEVELS! (*Note* December 10th class will feature a substitute teacher).

Get Your Spot!

Visit our FIT FOR FESTIVUS page to explore all of our class offerings and class passes and get your spot today!