BIG NEWS: A New Addition to the Small But Mighty Squad!

Meet Jocelynne, Our First Small but Mighty Ambassador!

It takes two to make a thing go right!

It takes two to make a thing go right!

Small but Mighty grew out of the inspiration I found in the many strong, kind, boss ladies I met through my work as a personal trainer, Nike Trainer, CrossFit coach, and college instructor. I wanted to bring up-to-date, accurate and interesting information and awesome training opportunities to the public to empower women in all aspects of their lives. 

I've had the privilege of working with a number of different women over the last few years, and recently I re-connected with an amazing, kind, and strong woman who embodies all things Small but Mighty: Jocelynne! She is dedicated to living authentically and empowering others to lead a healthy and active lifestyle through her social media presence and speaking engagements, and happens to be strong AF!

Jocelynne is going to be participating in a number of our upcoming projects and initiatives and helping to bring our amazing Small but Mighty experiences to life. We're unbelievably honoured that she has agreed to rep and collaborate with Small but Mighty, and are so excited to be building the #smallbutmightysquad! We thought you might like a chance to get to know what makes her tick, how she trains, and where she sees herself in the next several years! We got a chance to fire some questions her way; take a read below and check out Jocelynne's website to get to know the newest member of the fam!

1) What drew you to 'Small but Mighty' and why do you think this is a good match? 

I started attending Jenny’s NTC classes at The Academy of Lions two years ago. Standing at 5- foot-nothing myself, I was totally inspired by Jenny’s small stature. Small but Mighty encompasses female empowerment and Jenny’s approach to training is very much focused on the “why” as opposed to just throwing together some fancy looking exercises, which is what I love. Working with such a knowledgeable trainer who has a real method behind their madness is truly a privilege.

2) Why do you train? 

Being able to walk up the stairs and run for the bus without getting winded is nice! In all seriousness though, I’m fascinated by the human body and how it moves. I see training as an opportunity to optimize the way I move in the gym and in everyday life. 

3) What is your favourite way to sweat? Do you have a favourite exercise/drill? 

There’s something about hot yoga that makes me feel like I’m working extra hard, and I also have a constant love/hate relationship with running. Back squats are my favourite exercise because they make me feel strong.

4) Have you faced any adversity or had any amazing experiences as a female training in co-ed gym or playing a male dominated sport, and if so, what did you take away from them? 

Luckily I’ve never faced any adversity training in a co-ed environment aside from being way to intimidated to step foot in a gym when I first began my journey, and even then, gender differences were never an issue.

At the end of the day we’re all human and what we can accomplish physically shouldn’t be defined by our gender. 

5) Do you see training as means of empowerment  in any other areas of your life? If so, tell us your thoughts and/or about your experience using physical training to succeed in other areas of your life?

Absolutely! I began training as a means to cope with being unhappy with myself, but it has become so much more than that. Being more physically active helped immensely with my mental health and has ultimately helped me feel more comfortable in my own skin.

What really changed the game for me was when I attended my first ever NTC class...alone. I’m an extremely shy and introverted person so going to a new place and not knowing anybody or having a friend to lean on was terrifying. Before I knew it, I was attending different workouts weekly and meeting tons of new people. So although training itself hasn’t helped me leave my social comfort zone, the desire to reach new heights and try new things in my training has helped me overcome that barrier. 

6) What is/are your favourite food(s) 

I’m a food blogger, so everything is my favourite! My top three definitely have to be yellow mangoes, homemade pizza bagels, and sweet potato maki rolls. Last summer I discovered watermelon with lime juice, passion fruit and a pinch of pink salt. If you haven’t had that combo, you NEED to try it! 

7) If you could be any kitchen appliance, what would it be and why? 

I would definitely be a Vitamix blender. Have you ever made a green smoothie at home that still had chunks of kale in it? It’s gross! The Vitamix does such a thorough job and I like to think that I’m the same way when it comes to my work & everyday life. I pay attention to the small details that tend to get overlooked and I like to make sure every sentence and photo seamlessly blends with whatever message I’m trying to convey. Does that even make sense? 

8) Tell us about your work-life balance

It’s weird - I have a part-time job and then I come home and most of my free time is dedicated to working on my own thing: blog posts, freelance work, recipe testing, and admin. When it comes to working from home, I have a designated ‘office’ space in my apartment and will sometimes go out to a cafe to separate work from home as much as possible. Sometimes that line is blurred, especially because a big part of what I do online is sharing my personal life. Luckily I have friends who are willing to go to run club or train with me. It’s the best of both worlds - getting to spend time with friends while also getting a good sweat sesh!

I recently became obsessed with bullet journalling, which helps me stay organized and stops me from biting off more than I can chew. I schedule my workouts as if they’re appointments I can’t miss, freelance work and blog posts get scheduled in there too, and of course I have full days blocked off for down time. You can do anything, but you can’t do everything. I used to say yes to every opportunity and event that came my way, but now I’m learning how to define what I’m willing to devote my time to. 

9) Do you have any inspirational quotes or songs that get you through your toughest workouts?

Any song by Calvin Harris or really any upbeat music gets me through a tough run. I also just try to focus on my breath and get in the zone. It’s a simple technique but it totally works for me.

10) You have the most beautiful website out there! Tell us about your mission, your short and long-term business goals, why you got into the world of social media/blogging, and any issues/topics that are close to your heart!

Thank you! I grew up watching YouTube and reading blogs when they first became a thing and always wished I could be that person creating content that people enjoyed. I just didn’t know where I belonged in the blogging world. All I knew was that I wanted to add value to people with my content. And at the end of the day, my main mission is still to provide my readers and my clients with value.

2017 is going to be the year of putting myself out there more. I’ve only been doing social media as a job since September 2016, so I’m still in that period of establishing who I am and what I do. At the moment I’m writing an eBook that will feature recipes and a guide to healthy plant-based eating, to be launched Summer 2017. I feel like the word vegan makes people want to run away, so I’m trying to make it more friendly and and educate people about it in a way that isn’t totally graphic or in your face. Most of the opportunities I’ve had are food related, but this year I’m looking to throw more fitness and lifestyle topics into the mix - which was actually the original plan when I stared my blog back in 2015.

I don’t know where I’ll be 5 to 10 years from now, and I’m totally okay with that. All I know is that this (whatever “this” is) is eventually going to be my full-time job. I’ve only been doing this for 6 months, so right now I’m just grabbing every single opportunity I can to advance my business in the right direction and put myself out there. I’m just going with the flow and listening to my gut. Although my main message surrounds plant-based nutrition and wellness, I do my best to add an element of realness into my posts. Social media can be a superficial slippery slope, which is an issue in itself. I recently opened up about my struggles with mental health, being an introvert, and regularly document the not-so-glamorous parts of my day.

It’s a vulnerable place to be in, but ultimately I’m trying to create a space that is safe for everyone to open up and have a conversation. The best part of social media being my job is being able to relate to so many people globally, and receiving a resounding “me too!” when I share the deeper parts of my life. 


Today's Special - 28/11/15


I've seen a lot of posts regarding people's daily workouts on social media recently, and while these posts can be truly inspiring, we shouldn't necessarily be doing a certain workout just because our #wcw or #mcm does it! 

I'm posting today's training to highlight a training principle called SPECIFICITY! What does this mean? Simply put, if you want to get faster, stronger or more efficient in a given sport or movement, you have to work that movement, or parts of it in your training!

Todays session was based on Accessory Work - movements/exercises that will help strengthen my main lifts, decrease bilateral differences in strength and recruitment, and improve my skating! I finished with a little burner to help with conditioning, with low reps of power-based movements (just like the energy system I use in hockey) to avoid overtaxing my system! The big picture here: #alwaysaskwhy! Train in a way that is safe, efficient, and conducive to your goals, not your friends's goals or those of your social medial idol. If you want specific results, use the principles of exercise science to achieve them!


Today's Special - 28/11/15


  • Joint Mobility & Dynamic Movement

Accessory Work 

A1. Goblet Squats

A2. Bent-over Single KB Rows

B1. Single rack KB Lunges

B2. Floor Press

C1. Single leg Glute bridges

C2. Prone Hollow Body Hold  

C3. Hollow back rocks


5 Rounds of:

  • 5 pistols to box/side
  • 5 KB Swings
  • 5 toes to Dumbbells





Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.. (#alwaysaskwhy)

We're all guilty of it, all gym goers: the 'Meathead Moment'. That moment you decide you're going to do (try) something awesome (crazy), just because (you think) you can. It might be a new movement, or one you were able to do years ago. It might be a crazy back squat PR, it might even be a super intense conditioning workout you saw on TV or read about in men's health. Whatever it is, there are a few things you should consider before you jump in with both feet...

1. Does it hurt?

I'm not talking about your ego here, or about DOMS. I'm thinking more along the lines of pinching, pulling, zapping, popping, or tearing pain. Real discomfort (not feelings of effort), either during or following your movement attempts.  In the CrossFit world, where I live, its not uncommon for an athlete to tell me that their shoulders hurt, but that they'd like to try the Handstand Push Ups/Kipping Pull Ups/Muscle Ups in the WOD anyways, as if working through the pain helps earn them status, or even moves them closer to their movement goal. I'm not sure where this line of thinking originated, but I wish it would go away already! My thoughts are this: if a movement pattern hurts, its probably not a great idea to keep repeating it exactly the same way with the hope that the pain will just go away (whats the definition of insanity again?). STOP. Take a step back, analyze the movement, and figure out what you're missing - e.g. strength, stability, mobility, an intact joint capsule.. Whatever it is, in the short-term, its time to stop and work regressions, or get that nagging injury properly treated so you're in a better position to complete the movement safely and efficiently. From what I've heard, your first muscle up certainly isn't worth a rotator cuff tear, or the the months of rehab work that go along with it.

2. Is it conducive to your goals/training program ( the way, do you have goals and a training program?)

If you're currently following a training program, chances are it was designed by yourself or trainer with certain goals in mind. I think it follows logically, that if you've set certain goals and have been putting work into achieving them, they're probably pretty important to you. So it always baffles me, when an individual with clearly defined goals and methods to achieve them attempts to do something at the gym that is completely incongruent with their program, or even worse, something that is detrimental to their health and progress. I get that it can be cool to post a video on Instagram of yourself doing something physically challenging, but is it really worth it if it compromises all of your hard work? Before trying something crazy at the gym, its certainly worth it to go through a risk:benefit analysis rather than jumping right in! If the chances of injury outweigh the benefits of the movement, you should probably skip it for now! 

If you don't yet have specific goals for your health, fitness, and training, it might be worth it to take some time to sit down and carve them out, for the benefit of your own progress, sanity and accountability (more on this in an upcoming post). If you're in a position where you're working with a trainer, or following general programming at a gym, I implore you to ALWAYS ASK WHY you're doing a specific movement or workout! I have seen way too many people practicing handstands (with poor technique) or running miles on miles when they really just want to get strong. If there is something that seems unsafe, incongruent with your goals, or just ridiculous in your program, please don't just do it because someone told you to! There is no point wasting your time and effort or risking your health on movements or workouts that will not aid your progress! 

3. Did you earn it?

Our bodies are really great at getting us from point A to point B! In the grand scheme of things, movement goes a little something like this: we tell our body what we want it to do and our body finds the path of least resistance to get us there; this is especially true in the case of an unfamiliar or awkward task. We're all really good at 'cheating' movements, and very often, we don't even realize we're doing it; if we hit the given start and end positions, we assume we did everything in the middle right! Often this is not the case! With sound coaching/training, technique work, and lots of 'perfect practice', we can teach our nervous system, muscles and joints the most safe, efficient, and ideal way to perform a given movement and give our tissues time to adapt...but that takes time and effort! I have seen numerous examples of people who did not 'earn their movement' over the last year, and I'm sad to say that most of them involve injury. A really common example occurs when people rush into lifting heavy, without taking time to build up tissue resilience and a proper movement pattern. Evolutionarily, our bodies are designed to help us avoid getting stuck under heavy objects, and as humans, we build 'neural' strength much faster than our joints and muscles adapt to new movements or weights, putting some of us in a very precarious position. As a result, some people up their weights too quickly and end up with strains, sprains, and in some cases, even disc injuries...and these injuries are certainly NOT the most catastrophic events that can possibly occur in these situations. Another common example are shoulder injuries that occur when individuals that do not have the raw strength to complete strict pull-ups or dips are taught to kip in order to enable them to do more work in a given period of time. This enables the individual to put a tonne of force through their shoulders at a very high speed, and often in an uncontrolled manner, teeing them up for injury! In either case, the time (and money) the athlete ends up investing in rehab far outweigh the time and effort it would have taken to learn the movement properly. So next time you step up to a barbell, pull-up bar, or even a set of rings, ask yourself, 'Did I really earn this?'

So why am I saying all of this?

What makes this information so important that I felt the need to write about it? There are two answers to this question!


  Having dealt with several injuries myself, I know how horrible it is having to take time off of training, especially when you're close to reaching your goals! Mentally and physically, it hard both to be out of the training world, and to work back in when you're given the green light! This is particularly true for trainers whose livelihood depend on being able to move properly! Think of each movement you perfect and all of your cumulative training experience as an investment; don't put all your pennies in one basket! 

Motor Patterning and Permanent Damage! 

Before you even start to try a new movement, know that our bodies are really great at learning and "remembering" movement patterns, the exact way we perform them. Repetition only strengthens this memory, and it only takes a few reps with a compensation or lack of activation in a given position to send us down a path to inefficient movement and potential injury! Moreover, soft tissue injury (sprains and strains) takes quite some time to heal, and in many cases, never returns to its pre-injury condition! With a shoulder injury like I mentioned above, your overhead mobility and strength could be limited permanently! 



Take your time, work your drills, and keep your inner meathead satisfied with marvel movies!  


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