Spotlight: Saturday Morning Circuits


If you've been following us on social media, you've probably read all about our new FIT FOR FESTIVUS series: 5, 10, and unlimited class pass offerings that are valid across all of our programs (including our new class offerings beginning in December) to help you stay fit, healthy, and on-track to your goals through the holiday season!

Why? Because...

Community = Commitment

Consistency = Key to Success 

Cross-Training = Injury Prevention

One of our new classes that we're super excited to offer is SATURDAY MORNING CIRCUITS - a C0-ED 55-minute circuit-based conditioning class including calisthenics, plyometrics and free-weight exercises! Looking to get your sweat on, build some endorphins and then get your brunch and weekend-ing on? Then this is the perfect class for you!


So what should you expect in a SATURDAY MORNING CIRCUIT class?

  • A 5-10 minute warm-up including joint mobility specific to each class workout
  • 30-40 minutes of circuit-based conditioning.  
    • Formats we'll explore include
      • TABATA intervals
      • Fight-Gone-Bad Style Circuits
      • Partner work and 'You-Go-I-Go' Drills
      • And more!
  • 5-10 minute cool-down, mobility and recovery work
  • Modifications for all levels of fitness!
  • A supportive, encouraging and fun community and atmosphere!

The Details:

WHERE: Artscape Youngplace Sketch Studio (180 Shaw Street, Toronto)

WHEN: Saturday 9:00-9:55 am beginning December 3rd, 2016! (Classes will not run Dec 31)

WHO: Lead by Jennifer Thomson and OPEN to MEN & WOMEN of ALL LEVELS! (*Note* December 10th class will feature a substitute teacher).

Get Your Spot!

Visit our FIT FOR FESTIVUS page to explore all of our class offerings and class passes and get your spot today!

The Holidays Are Coming!

It's happening...

Santa is coming to town this morning, stores are playing Christmas music, and my inbox has been flooded with holiday sale emails for the last week! Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the holidays - the cheer, get-togethers, and music are great but as a health professional I also recognize this represents a challenging time of year to stick to your training, fuelling, and sleep routines.

This is the time of year when it becomes just a little bit easier to drop the reigns, go buck wild with food and drink and to skip one too many workouts.

Sadly, this leaves many men and women feeling out of shape, guilty about their holiday indulgences and negatively about themselves come January, and often results in lofty, hard to achieve New Years Resolutions, costly gym memberships, PT packages, and meal plans.

Am I saying you don't get to have ANY fun over the holidays? 

Certainly not. What I am saying is that it can be a pretty slippery slope from 'I'll just have one shortbread cookie' to Nog-ing it up and skipping workouts from Dec 1st-31st.


Now, we know that health behaviours tend to cluster together, that communities are great for holding us accountable for our actions and goals, AND that a solid routine can help us stay on track to achieving our health and fitness goals. Sticking to our training routine can help us all think-twice about our food choices, moderate our indulgences, and to maintain BALANCE throughout the season. 


  • Write your SMART goals out and post them somewhere you'll see them EVERY day.
  • Create a BALANCED training schedule or routine and stick to it
  • Find a training partner, or make a pact with a friend to stick to your training routine.
  • START YOUR DAY WITH ONE HEALTHY CHOICE! Whether it's a 'clean' breakfast or morning run, get the (snow)ball rolling early in the day and positive choices will follow!
  • Meal-prep to avoid insulin comas at school and/or work, and take a healthy dish you know you'll enjoy to holiday parties and potlucks!
  • Don't be too hard on yourself if you have one indulgent evening!

Here's to a healthy and happy December friends!

Be sure to check our all of our new class offerings and our exclusive FIT FOR FESTIVUS December and January Class Passes! 

Quick Tip: Drive Slow Homie...

"Don't rush to get grown, drive slow homie..."*

More than being from an awesome and totally underrated Yeezy track, these lyrics carry a super important message that is so applicable to movement and training. Too often we see an insta-famous trainer or athlete do something impressive on social medial and rush into trying to replicate that movement or skill without knowing anything about it, skipping all the baby steps that will help us develop the movement properly, safely and efficiently. For example, I often see people trying to kick up into free-hold handstands without having first learned about hollow body positioning or the role of the hands in maintaining balance. Most often this results in the person flailing around, trying to stay inverted by throwing their legs back and fourth, before they fall out of their "handstand" +/- a proper dismount. In a world full of YouTube Fitness Instructors and Social Media All-Stars we seem to have forgotten one really important fact:

When it comes to movement and skill training, much of the value lies in the learning process, not solely in performing the movement itself.

A really great teacher (Shawn Mozen at Agatsu Fitness) once said during an Indian Club workshop I was taking:

"If you want to get better at learning new things, you have to practice LEARNING new things". 

This seems pretty self explanatory, yet still so many of us approach new skills with a 'meathead mentality', trying the full, most advanced version of a skill without knowing any of the points of performance. Another common example of this lies in the Pistol Squat. All the time I see people collapsing into and bouncing out of the bottom of  pistol without having the slightest bit of awareness of what their hips and spine are doing.... It hurts my heart (and brain). So, to put this warning as bluntly as I can here is what I have to say: 

Throwing yourself into a movement won't get you anywhere fast, except maybe your Chiropractor's office.

On top of this, rushing to perform a 'pinnacle movement' (to borrow a term from Mike Fitch) without taking time to learn the basic principles and groove the movement patterns robs your conscious mind of the chance to learn so much about your current abilities and areas that are lacking or need improvement (which may in fact help you improve other movements as well) in addition to robbing your central nervous system of the opportunity to learn the sequencing and patterning of the skill. 

Slow and controlled movements, especially when it comes to gymnastics and bodyweight skills are far more impressive and they give our bodies time to collect feedback about how we're moving and where our body is in space, allowing us to 'code' a complete and error-free program! For the most part, the value of learning a new skill properly revolves around using the right muscles in the right way, at the right time, and once again we're circling back to the concept of motor learning and neuromuscular control. Based on these concepts, I use a 3-step sequence that I have found to be pretty effective for learning new movements, as well as teaching them to others:

  1. Prime the Movement
  2. Groove the Movement
  3. Do the Movement

Prime the Movement

Priming the movement involves waking up the main muscles or systems that are crucial to proper performance of the skill you're going to be working on. Often, this part of the sequence can be included toward the end of your warm-up. For example, I might use hollow rocks or holds before a handstand practice, monster walks on a single-leg squat day, and scapular pull ups on a pull up day. 

Groove the Movement 

Grooving the movement involves taking our body through a range of motion or a movement pattern that mimics the skill that is being worked on, often under lower threshold conditions. This helps our nervous system and muscles learn what needs to be done under a lower stress or weight than the 'pinnacle' version of the skill to avoid the development of compensations. For example, on a handstand day I might use tuck ups (shorter lever = less stress) or wall walks (weight support + inclination = less stress); on a muscle up day it might be kneeling or banded transition work. 

Do the Movement

Please note: This is NOT me giving you permission to try a full muscle up or kick up to freehold handstand out of the blue/with no experience!!!!! Rather, this step involves completing repetitions of the most advanced version of the movement skill that YOU are CURRENTLY capable of performing with PERFECT form, timing and tempo. For a total beginner working on handstands, this might include something as simple as pike holds on the ground or with the feet elevated on a box. The KEY here is:

Do what your body is CURRENTLY capable of and not one ounce more! 

Why? Going beyond your capabilities will likely lead to compensatory muscle recruitment or movement patterns, and on top of being extremely hard to un-learn, movement compensations predispose us to injury like woah; whether it be an immediate acute injury, or one that occurs as a result of repetitive strain. Do yourself a favour:

know your limit and play within it**


The moral of today's story: SLOW DOWN! Deciding to learn a new movement or skill is an AMAZING GOAL and you should be applauded for having the guts to be open to something new. BUT you need to do your homework. Find a trainer or movement coach that is qualified to help you develop that skill safely and efficiently and/or do a whole whack of research on prime movers, fascial slings, muscle recruitment patterns and joint positions (& common flaws). Don't rush to the full advanced version of the skill; take your time to learn the baby steps and enjoy the process. Believe me, you'll be much more fulfilled when you can hold a perfect handstand for 60 seconds, rather than kicking up and flopping over like a wet noodle! 

Happy training friends!

*Kanye West

**Ontario Gaming Commission